There is just so much creativity when it comes to graphics. Every designer comes up with their own different styles and art to their work. However, there are the main styles of graphics that you ought to know first.
American kitsch
This is one of the oldest styles in the world of graphics. The style was first established in the 1940s and have been used by several artists to date. These are recognised by their richness in the image and the font styles that the artist choose to make use of.

Usually, these are used for advertising and for any other dramatic posters that tell a story. Since they are hand-drawn the artist has to play around with different colours. The images are in cartoon form. They are usually in aerodynamic shapes.
Art nouveau
If you are looking for some decorative art. This is the style you should think of. The type has been there since the 1920s and is most famous in the European continent.
Characteristics of this style include hand-drawn and coloured features. Natural colours are most used as well as the tonal palette. As a way to draw attention to them, this style makes use of female personas.
There are the graphic styles that you usually find musical posters and anything to do with music. Just like most of the styles of graphics, it’s also hand-drawn.
However, the difference comes from the blending of colours. This style makes use of striking colours and also for one to tell the meaning behind it, it’s not easy seeing that it’s mysteriously interesting.
Art deco
In graphics, this is the style that you find in visual art and architectural designs. It encompasses the sense of a wealthy and luxurious lifestyle.

Characterised by bold colours and strong vertical line images. Furthermore, the style makes use of rich colours and its shapes are in geometric shapes. If you are looking for some of this you probably find them at museums.
Minimalist and flat
This is another amazing style of graphics. It’s also one of the latest styles in the graphics world. There is less user of colours and more text in them. Just from the name, it already depicts that there is less use of bold colours.
Those that make use of it make use of photographic images. Unlike another style where images are hand-drawn. The styles are mainly used by different companies to advertise their brands usually skincare products.
Dimensional styles of graphics
As technology is now changing the way that we are living the same goes for the graphics sector. The dimensional style of graphics relies mainly on technology. Designers that make use of this make use more of tools found on google and also different design software. This is the style that has taken over most of the graphics styles now.
The list of the different styles of graphics is just so endless. You can get to choose the one that suits your desires. Some may not be popular now but they have richness in them and are very expensive. However, it all depends on the designers taste.